Jan '08

Tack, Stockholm! Tak Copenhagen!

Stephanie and Jason preparing their presentationsWell, week one of the Adobe Nordic Tour is now behind us. Jason Levine, Mike Downey, Serge Jespers, Stephanie Sullivan and I had some great crowds in Stockholm and Copenhagen for the “Unlocking Modern Web Workflows” and “To the Web, the Desktop and Beyond” seminars. Over 400 people turned up for each of the seminars. The audiences were really fun and engaged, and we had some great comments and questions during the breaks.

It’s always fun to see that web crowds around the world are all struggling with the same issues and challenges – and this is especially true within the area of CSS. Stephanie did a great job taking the audience through the use of the new CSS starter layouts in Dreamweaver CS3. It’s rather amazing to me that there are still people who’ve not experimented them – but we definitely know that there are 800 new believers that will be using them.

Me presenting in StockholmOne of the other highlights that got a lot of interest was the recently updated Spry Framework for AJAX – version 1.6. I’ve really been enjoying showing off this major step forward for Adobe’s AJAX support – no more getting beaten up at “standards” conferences when I show it. The best part is it’s ability to use HTML recordsets and unobtrusive Javascript! (And of course, there’s a whole chapter dedicated to using Spry in the upcoming book!)

This week we’ll be in Helsinki and Oslo – so if you’re in the area, we’d love to see you.


Jan '08

Hotel Wireless Networks

My apologies to all of the hotels in the world that really make an effort – however, tonight, I have suffered through 4 hours of net access ping-pong at the JW Marriott in San Francisco. You, Mr. Marriott, advertise wireless access in every room, and while I myself have had my wireless router go bonkers on occasion, a simple reset has corrected the problem. Why is it then that a modern hotel (and cudos to the JW Marriott – nice rooms, comfortable beds, central location, and really nice bathrooms with separate shower stalls) can’t figure out how to keep a wireless network up and running? When calling to the front desk, I was told on two occasions that they have not heard of any problems – the next call, however, routed me to their (outsourced) IT desk. A few moments later, it appeared to have solved the problem – only it was short lived. Finally at midnight, I’m surfing again – albeit I can’t get email from any of my Mac’s email programs – corporate email (via VMWare Fusion) or simple Apple Mail. Sigh… All the while, the internet connection appears to be once again stable. Hmm… </rant>

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Jan '08

Flash CS3 and new Components

Richard Galvan, Product Manager for Flash Authoring, recently posted an entry on his blog discussing components for Flash CS3 and the further development of new components for Flash Authoring. Read more about this on his blog.

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