Mar '08

In case you missed it: Spry 1.6.1 and AIR

With the official release of AIR last week, the Spry team released an updated version of the Spry Framework for Ajax on Adobe Labs. This update adds, in addition to a few bug fixes, compatibility for AIR 1.0.

This is where things really start to get interesting – the ability to deliver an enhanced experience within a web browser, but then also leverage the same code to build a desktop-based, cross-OS application. For an example of this, the team updated the current Spry photo gallery sample to show how this can be done. And even better, you don’t have to wade through the code trying figure it all out – they put together a case study on what changes needed to be made in order to have the app run on AIR 1.0. The code is completely laid out, and the article explains the changes and implications to the app. This is definitely worth a read. You can view the AIR-compatible gallery example here.

I’ll be experimenting with a project of my own over the next week or so and look forward to reporting back on my experiences. Cheers!

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