Feb '08

Achtung, Deutschland! Cross-Media Workflow Seminar

Well, my friends, we’re off again – this time to my (adopted) homeland of Germany, with a stop in Austria as well. This time out, I’ll be joined by Jason Levine and Rufus Deuchler, my colleagues in crime. During the course of a long (6 hour) seminar, we’ll show you all of our tips, tricks and workflow habits, taking you through all of the products in Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Master Collection. No product will be left out. So, whether you’re coming from a print background, web background or video background, if you’re faced with moving your media to one of these other venues, there’s something to learn. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen in Muenchen, Frankfurt, Koeln, Hamburg und Wien. Anmeldung und andere wichtige Infos finden Sie auf Partner Web-site, Cancom. Bis bald!

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Feb '08

Tusen takk, Oslo!

Oslo VIP EventThe final stop on our Scandinavian tour was possibly the best one of them all – thank you, Oslo! Our special VIP event had the biggest turnout of the tour, with more than 70 web professionals showing up for a fun evening of software, sandwiches and drinks. One of the more interesting conversations was with a developer who is doing a lot of Flash work, but making it completely accessible – rock on!

The actual seminar day began in a bit of a hectic scramble as I had somehow set my alarm to the time we were supposed to meet in the lobby… hmm. A quick shower later, we were off to the venue, which fortunately was only five minutes away by foot. But it was definitely a COLD five minutes.

Jason slaying the “terradactyl”Amazingly, almost everyone who registered for the event turned up and we had a packed house of almost 300 attendees. (For those that don’t know, seminars usually have a 30-40% no-show rate.) The show went off perfectly, with no technical difficulties – and Stephanie remembered how to work around the Leopard/Dreamweaver bug. Jason was literally on fire, with some great new material.

It’s always sad when we come to the last tour stop. We’ve had a lot of fun, met some great new friends, and… hopefully… sold some software! After all, that’s what we’re here for.

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